I AM NOT TEACHING ANY REIKI CLASSES AT THIS TIME ONLY TIME WILL TELL IF THIS HAPPENS AGAIN OR NOT – I am training another teacher who I hope will ready in the Fall to start teaching – stay tuned!
Usui Reiki Classes – Levels I, II and IIIa (Master Practitioner)
Reviewing or auditing an Usui Reiki class
Usui Reiki Master Teacher (IIIb) Training 
Karuna Reiki® Classes
Usui Reiki Re-Attunements
Usui Reiki Shares
Reiki Q & A’s
All the Traditional Usui Reiki (Usui Reiki Ryoho) classes that I teach include an attunement (sacred ceremony that connects you to the energy known as Reiki so you can channel it for yourself and others), a very comprehensive manual (I write all my own manuals and constantly add to them and revise them), a certificate of completion, and lots of “hands on” practice time. All are held at my home office in Madison, Wisconsin.
An Usui Reiki Level I class is a two day affair from 9:30 to 4:30 approximately, and Usui Reiki Level II & Level IIIa (Master Practitioner) classes are one day affairs from 9:30 to 4:30 approximately. I conduct Usui Reiki Level IIIb – (Master Teacher) as a one year internship, times for these classes to be arranged between the student and I. There are many requirements for this program including attending all of my Reiki Shares, sitting in on my classes to get the rhythm of how they work, and assisting me in Reiki Classes or Shares.
As one of my Reiki students, you are entitled to a 15% discount off of any Usui or Karuna Reiki® sessions you schedule me. This discount also applies to your immediate family members (spouse/partner, children, sister/brother, mother/father, and pet/s).
I require payment in full at time of sign up for Reiki classes. For your convenience, I accept cards in person or over the phone through Square, cash or check (5% discount for cash).
Your payment not only holds the weekend or day open for you, but also helps to pay for your supplies (manual and certificate). If you are ill or have an emergency and cannot attend the class you’ve signed up and paid for it, I will hold your class fee until such time as your schedule opens up to reschedule. I am very willing to work with you about class days and times – we can always figure out how to fit your class into your busy lifestyle.
Many students ask if there are any specific preparation recommended before taking a Reiki class. Most Reiki teachers and authors of Reiki books advise the following: It is advised that you consume no alcohol or caffeinated beverages or food containing caffeine for three to four days prior to taking a Reiki class, and follow a healthy diet – lots of fresh (organic preferable) fruits and vegetables, and organic or free range meat/poultry/eggs/dairy). Drinking lots of pure, fresh water for several days before and after your class is a must. Remember water conducts electricity (energy) so being fully hydrated makes for an optimum experience.
Click, print & sign registration form for a class ➞ REGISTRATION FORM FOR REIKI CLASSES
Level I = $225
Level II = $325
Level IIIa (Master Practitioner) = $425
Reiki Master Teacher = $1,500
Pay Online for Classes
Anyone who has been attuned to Traditional Usui Reiki (a certificate is required to show proof of previous attunement), can review/audit any of the Usui Reiki classes I teach, with the exception of Usui Reiki Master Teacher. The fee for each class review/audit is $85 (applicable only for Usui Reiki Level I, Level II and Level IIIa (Master Practitioner classes). If you are a student of mine and wish to review a class to be brought up to speed on all the latest techniques and new information (remember I am always adding new ones), the fee is $55.
What’s included in a review/audit:
- you participate fully in the class just like any other student
- you receive a manual applicable for each level (and a certificate if you are not my student already)
- you get to participate in all the practicum components of a class, (hands on training), receiving Reiki from me and the other students in the class
- you receive the 15% student discount on any Reiki sessions with me, for yourself and your immediate family members
- you are eligible to attend my Reiki Shares
- at Level II, you can join my student based “Reiki Distant Healing group” (join us in sending Reiki to the requests that come in, or you can request Reiki for yourself or anyone else)
- you can join either or both of my Facebook Reiki Groups “REIKI FOR YOU AND ME”, or our sister group “Reiki For You AND Me Distant Healing Group”
Why do I have to take the training over if I’m already attuned?
If you have been attuned to Usui Reiki through another teacher and want to move up another level or two through me, you are required to be re-attuned to whatever level/s you are now, and to review/audit any class/es you’ve already taken. There are several reasons for this:
1) we don’t know what symbols your prior teacher attuned you to, or what procedures she/he used to attune you, especially if your attunement was done distantly.
2) In both of my Usui Reiki lineages you are given five symbols at Usui Reiki Level II, and two more at Level IIIa (Master Practitioner), and another one at Level IIIb (Master Teacher). Many people who come to me from other teachers have only been attuned to and been given three traditional Usui Reiki symbols at Level II, and possible one more at the higher levels of training. Therefore, when I attune you, you will be attuned to all the symbols that are used in both of my lineages, and given all those symbols to work with.
I have also added a lot of additional information into my classes and manuals, making it highly likely that you have not been exposed to much of what I teach unless, like me, you are a very voracious reader of Reiki books. An enormous amount of new information has come out of Japan in the last couple of decades about the real origins of Reiki and Dr. Usui, that many people/teachers are still not aware of. A great deal of this new information is included in my updated manuals, as well as many techniques that involve the use of crystals, pendulums and aromatherapy.
My Usui Reiki Master Teacher level is a year or longer internship program (just like Mrs. Takata did things). The classes themselves involve months of training in how to pass all the attunements in our lineage in increments, attending all the Reiki Shares I hold, and more. You will be given all the manuals and certificate blanks, etc., required to teach Traditional Usui Reiki, and I will also be coaching you on how to set up your Reiki teaching business. The fee for Level IIIb (Reiki Master Teacher) training is $1,500. If you are interested in becoming a Reiki Master Teacher through me, contact me to set up a meeting so we can get you started.
There are two levels of training in Karuna Reiki®: Level I (Practitioner) & LeveI II (Practitioner), are taught together, and Level I (Master) and Level II (Master Teacher) are taught together. Having worked with Usui Reiki for many years, I can unequivocally say that Karuna Reiki® is the next evolutionary step up in the power or intensity of the Reiki energy. The emotional and block releases (a block is a knot of stuck negative emotions in the body and/or energy field), my clients have when experiencing during Karuna Reiki® versus Usui Reiki are much more numerous and intense. “Karuna Reiki® heals at the DNA level and on a much deeper cellular level”.
As per the “International Center for Reiki Training” where Karuna Reiki® was developed, you are required to have been attuned to the Reiki Master Symbol (DKM) at the Usui Reiki Master Level of training (either Reiki Master Practitioner or Reiki Master Teacher), depending on your lineage), for at least 6 months before you are eligible to take any Karuna Reiki® classes, so that you will be better able to integrate the more intense Karuna Reiki® Energy.
You do not receive the Reiki Master Symbol (DKM) at any level but Usui Reiki Master Teacher in my lineage. In taking the classes and working with the energy it became apparent to me that only those who are practicing Usui Reiki Master Teachers for a minimum of one year are qualified and appropriately trained to take the higher levels of Karuna Reiki® training (Level I Master & Level II Master Teacher), so I have made that a requirement for this level of training. The requirement for the lower levels of training is to have been attuned to the Reiki Master Practitioner (IIIa) level for 6 months minimum.
Karuna Reiki® training is taught in two separate, one day classes, Level I (Practitioner) & Level II (Practitioner) together, and Level I (Master) and II (Master Teacher) together. Class times are from 9:30-4:30 approximately, and class fees are $400.00 per class.
For more information on Karuna Reiki® and its founder, William Lee Rand, visit his website at: http://reiki.org/
I only scheduling these classes when requests come in for them. If you are interested in taking Karuna Reiki®, call or email me to schedule one. We can set up a class around your schedule for any day of the week.
When Dr. Usui “connected” people to Reiki, he performed what is referred to in Japan as Reiju – he did not perform an attunement like we do in the West. The Western Reiki attunement process is said to be a creation of Dr. Chujiro Hayashi and the other Naval officers who trained under Dr. Usui before his passing. Dr. Hayashi hadn’t trained under Dr. Usui long enough to have been taught by him how to perform Reiju before Dr. Usui died of a heart attack at age 52. Also, we know now that the process used in Western Reiki attunements was tweaked a bit by Mrs. Hawayo Takata also, and her predecessors as well.
Usui Sensei was said to give Reiju to his students often, possible daily or even weekly, to strengthen and deepen their connection to the energy, and to help to clear their energetic systems so they would be purer channels for the Reiki energy to flow through, as well as deepen their intuitive connections. I have always felt that we could do the same with Western Reiki attunements, after all the attunements we do now were just created to achieve the same results Reiju did that Usui Sensei gave to his students often, so why not re-attune people often too!
Through experimentation with my students I found that you definitely go through another cleanse, just like you do anytime you have any Reiki attunements, but you also feel a greater flow of Reiki energy in your hands, and a generally heightened sense of the energy flowing, and more.
I now offer this service to anyone who has been attuned to Usui Reiki for $50 (a certificate must be presented if you are not my student). I like to start people out with a Level One re-attunement (for each level you wish to be re-attuned to, you must have already been attuned to that level).
I also offer this service remotely/distantly (a certificate of completion of Level One Usui Reiki is required), same fee applies. The experiences my students have had during these “Distant Reiki re-attunements” has been astounding, to say the least.
I hold monthly Reiki Shares at my home office, for the benefit of my Reiki students and Reiki friends (an “in-person” interview is required if you are not one of my students already and wish to attend).
A Reiki Share typically is a monthly or bi-weekly event held by a Reiki Master Teacher for the benefit of their students, to provide a place for them to practice their skills, share their experiences, and receive Reiki from any number of other Reiki practitioners at once. Reiki energy is said to be exponentially increased by the number of practitioners channeling Reiki at the same time for you (meaning it is squared), so if there are two practitioners working on one person, the energy is increased by 4, if there are 3 practitioners working on one person, the energy is increased by 9, etc., or possible even greater. It is quite common for 4-5-6 or more practitioners to be giving you Reiki at the same time at a Reiki Share!
Reiki Shares are also a great way to meet other practitioners, get to know one another and form a good support network. Many students get together outside of the Shares to practice Reiki on each other (what we in the Reiki world call “a trade”). Many Reiki practitioners tell me they have no one else they can talk to about their experiences with Reiki, or their excitement about using the energy. Reiki Shares are again, a great place to be with like minded individuals to share your stories and experiences while channeling and receiving the energy.
I always have new techniques, new book recommendations, or information to pass along also. Please RSVP if you plan to attend, so I will know how many tables to set up. I provide a nutritious snack and plenty of clean, fresh spring water to drink. Fee to attend is $10.00.
Sundays from 1:30 to 4:30: May 20th, June 10th, July 8th, Aug. 8th, Sept 9th, Oct 14th, Nov 11th, Dec 9th
I regularly host Reiki Q & A’S or lectures for the benefit and edification of the public. I feel it’s very important to educate the public on what Reiki is and is not, and it’s benefits. These talks are typically two hours in length or longer, and end with my demonstrating Reiki on several audience participants. I also hand out 25% off coupons for first time Reiki sessions, and 10% off coupons for first time Reiki Class participants.
If you would like to host one of these events, please contact me (click the “Contact” tab at the top of the page). There is no fee for this service.