Reiki is deeply relaxing and stress reducing. Some clients say they’ve felt more deeply relaxed, rested, and peaceful after a Reiki session than they have in a long time. Reiki activates and enhances your body’s own ability to heal. This natural healing process is activated when one is completely at rest, calm, and relaxed. A typical Traditional Usui or Karuna Reiki® session with me takes a minimum of 2 hours (you are only charged for the session time, not all the talking we do before and after the session, which adds on all the extra time). All sessions are performed on my Professional Amethyst BioMat.
For more Reiki info, read Benefits of Reiki.
Go here for info on → REIKI CLASSES.
My In-person Reiki Sessions may include:
- Traditional Usui Reiki or Karuna Reiki®
- Healing Touch
- Crystal Healing
For Reiki Distant Healing Sessions, I offer:
- Surrogate Reiki Sessions
- Distant Reiki Healing
Here’s how my Reiki Sessions work: During the intake interview, we discuss what brought you here for Reiki so I get a better understanding of what areas of your body I need to pay the most attention to. Right now, I am only performing Reiki on the front of body, not both sides. The hand placements I use (called “holds”) are the ones I am guided to use during your session.
After the session, we have a discussion about what happened during the session on both your end and mine and I share any information or guidance I may have received during your session,. Afterwards, we discuss future treatment options.
Prices for Sessions and “Add On’s” are all listed on the PAY page of this website. I also accept credit cards in person or over the phone through Square, or checks and cash (5% discount for paying in cash).
I am happy to meet with you for a free consultation regarding what would be of the most benefit to you of all the services I offer, or if you’re interested in taking Reiki classes, to answer any questions or concerns you might have, and explain how Reiki training works with me. I highly recommend that you have a meeting first with any Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Teacher you are considering either having either a Reiki session with or taking Reiki classes from, so that you can decide if they are a good fit for you. There are so many of us out there, it’s not a “one size fits all.” Also, it is a good opportunity to check out their office and get a feel for where they’re at. Their healing space can reveal a lot of information about them.
Consultations may run and hour or longer – book one today!
Just like massage or any other alternative healing modality, you wouldn’t have just one Reiki session. I offer discounted packages for my services to make Reiki more affordable. I do not prescribe Reiki (to do so in my opinion is unethical). I’d never claim to know how many sessions any particular individual is going to need for any particular set of issues.
That being said, there is a protocol for treating chronic and severe issues, such as cancer, MS, out of control diabetes, or recovering from major surgery, etc. Protocol: Three sessions a week the first two to three weeks, two sessions a week for several more weeks after that or longer, tapering off to weekly session for awhile, and then monthly maintenance visits until the condition is resolved or the client feels that are at a place that they are comfortable with, followed by quarterly or biannual visits.
This can obviously get very expensive, so discounted packages can make it more affordable. You might also want to consider just becoming Reiki (taking a Reiki class and getting connected to the energy so that you can channel it for yourself), under these circumstances, or have someone in your household become Reiki so that they can be giving you Reiki on daily basis as needed.
- 5 Reiki Sessions – 10% discount
- 10 Reiki sessions – 15% discount
- 20 Reiki sessions – 20% discount
When you purchase one gift certificate, you get a 10% discount off of any of my services for yourself. If you purchase of three certificates, you get a 15% discount off of any of my services. Purchasing 5 or more certificates, entitles the purchaser to a FREE session of their choosing of any of my services.
MY CANCELLATION POLICY: 24-hour notice is required if you are unable to make your appointment.
Add On’s to a Reiki Session:
Reiki Psychic Surgery
A Reiki technique designed to remove energetic blockages in the body or energy field, using visualization and Reiki, to remove the blockage and fill the void where the blockage was with healing energy.
Reiki Chakra Balancing: This technique involves my assessing your seven major chakras with a pendulum to see which ones are open and balanced, or closed, compromised, or stuck. Once I determined which chakras are in need of opening, clearing and balancing, I assist my client in deciding which one I will be working on, using a special Reiki technique to do so during the session. We can only work with one chakra per session using this technique. When the session is over and I re-assess the chakras, they are all open, cleared and balanced in what I call a “domino like effect”, even if several or all of them were not before the session.
Crystal Chakra Layout: This is Crystal Healing Technique – again I assess the 7 major chakras beforehand, then I place 7 crystals/stones of your 7 major chakras which correspond to the color of each one. As they lie on the body, they “entrain” the chakra to the vibration of frequency of the color that they are, thus opening, clearing and balancing them. I do this as a “stand alone” technique also, but if you have the stones on you and receive a Reiki session also, the stones enhance what the Reiki energy is doing, and the Reiki energy enhances what the stones are doing. After the session, I re-assess the chakras so you can see that they are now all open, cleared and balanced.
I use special sets of chakra stones for this technique that I have hand picked, and de-programmed, cleared and charged beforehand. This sets are available for purchase also.
Crystal Healing Wand Body Balancing or Pain Reduction Techniques: I was attuned by a local Crystal Healer to use two specific clear quartz healing wands for this purpose. When activated and placed on the body in three specific locations, they bring the body into balance, and clam and relax the receiver. This is an excellent technique to use before a Reiki session for anyone who is anxious or nervous and has trouble relaxing (really enhances their Reiki experience).
These wands can also be placed on the body adjacent to an area of pain for pain relief.
For definitions of all these Healing Touch Techniques, please see HEALING TOUCH

One Hour Healing Touch Sequence
The Chakra Connection
The Chakra Spread
Spiral Meditation
Mind Clearing and Modified Mind Clearing
Pain Drain
Healing Touch Sequence with Back & Neck Techniques
Skudder Technique
Chakra Connection with Body Centered Interview
SURROGATE DISTANT REIKI SESSION: I am not offering this service at this time.
An alternative to an “in person” Reiki session for those who are house bound, have transportation issues, or live in other parts of the country or world other than I do, is a Surrogate Distant Healing Session, a common practice amount Reiki Practitioners. This one hour or longer session is performed by the Practitioner on a proxy or surrogate, which acts a stand-in for the recipient. Most Reiki Practitioners use either a stuffed animal or special Reiki Doll for this purpose.
The Reiki Practitioner performs an entire Reiki session on the surrogate, intending that it act as stand in for the client, administering Reiki to the surrogate on both the front and back of it, and also to any area/s of concern that the client has alerted them to, just as in any “in-person” Reiki session. You can also choose whether you’d like to receive Traditional Usui Reiki or Karuna Reiki® during this session.
Everything that would happen in an “in person” Reiki session, happens in a Surrogate Distant Healing Session. Many of my clients who’ve already had “in person” sessions with me claim that these sessions are just as powerful, if not more so.
An appointment is required for this service, just like for any other Reiki session, and you are required to either sit quietly in a chair, or be lying down for 75 to 90 minutes during the session. I’ll ask you to give me feedback afterwards about what your experienced during the session, so if you are watching TV, cleaning house or reading a book, you won’t receive the full benefit of the session and won’t be able to give me that feedback.
You may also fall asleep during the session (we call this “Reiki Slumber”), which we consider optimal, as we know that deeper healing is taking place at that time (gets the ego out of the way).
If the session is for a pet (dog, cat, horse, etc.), it generally takes less time to perform (30-45 minutes). The animal should be separated from any other animals in the house/barn, and kept calm and quiet, but also should be accompanied by the owner who can observe and report back to me what the animal was doing during the session (eating, drinking, sleeping, pacing, panting, etc.).
DISTANT REIKI HEALING SESSION (also called Remote or Distant Reiki):
I AM NOW OFFERING THIS SERVICE AGAIN – The sessions I do now are at a whole new level of what I was doing before.
Reiki can be sent to any person, place or thing, either in real time, or to the past or future. This is known in the Reiki world as “Distant Reiki Healing” or “Absentee/Remote Distant Reiki”. Usui Reiki practitioners are taught how to do this at Usui Reiki Level II.
Very much like prayer has been documented to help heal people who are ill, having surgery or going through emotional trauma or pain, Reiki’s efficacy from a Distant Reiki healing session can be very profound.
Distant Reiki Healing can also assist someone who is in transition to cross over more easily and comfortably. Many Doctors and nurses have reported amazement at the ease of a transition, or the quick and easy recovery of a patient after surgery, or other kinds of medical procedures that required hospitalization, who have been regularly receiving Distant Reiki Healing.
Here is how I perform this service.: my client and I set up an appointed time that they can be available for 7 consecutive days to receive Distant Reiki healing. They are instructed to either lie down or sit down comfortably somewhere where they will not be disturbed for up to 30 minutes. No phones, computers or television are allowed during the session or reading as they need to be relaxing and focusing on their breath and what they are feeling in their body. I send them Distant Reiki healing at the appointed time, and they are instructed to call me when they either wake up (many people fall asleep) or if they have been deeply resting, when they feel alert enough to have a discussion about their session. We can space out the days to accommodate the person’s lifestyle, but 7 consecutive days in a row is optimal.
When they call me, they decide whether to tell me about their experiences first or to hear what I experienced and what messages or information I “heard” during the session, examples of which are: information around their emotional issues, health, suggestions for lifestyle changes, what Spirit or Power Animal is working with them right now, and occasionally I receive messages from a relative or friend who has crossed over (I am a psychic-medium), and I tell them what I experienced on my end.
I am also including an Angel Card Reading in this package (I am a Certified Angel Card Reader through Doreen Virtue and Hay House.
At the end of the 7 days of sessions, we re-evaluate the situation to see if further treatment is required, or if the situation has resolved. If further treatment is required, the client can decide if they wish to purchase another seven day round of daily treatment or come in to see me for a “hands on” session. Fee for this service is $100.00.
I also perform Distant Reiki Healing Sessions on a singular basis, meaning I just send someone Reiki for 1, 2, or 3 times depending on the situation, for yourself or someone else, I require your or their first name, last initial, and location (city/state/province/country), and a brief description of what the situation is that you have requested healing for. Optimally, a photo would be best, but it’s OK if that is not available. See my fee schedule page for this service. Fee for this service is $50.00 per session.